Enthralling Seductive Powerful Amanita Muscaria The Regal Fly Agaric Mushroom


I made a gorgeous reel of shots and images and moments with this mushroom, click the link above to see it.

An ode to the all powerful and beautiful Amanita muscaria Fly Agaric. πŸ„πŸ„πŸ„πŸ„πŸ„πŸ„πŸ„πŸ„

An absolute favourite of mine. A stunning creature to behold, she takes my breath away every time I am lucky enough to happen upon her.

She’s seductively enthralling, beautiful and powerful.

A mushroom that is many things: toxic, shamanic, an entheogen, a powerful effective external remedy for pain, a possibility to microdose for many health benefits, amongst many other effective remedies as well, a delicious food once detoxified, and more than anything just enthralling to behold.

Learn more about this mushroom in a full day workshop- there are 2 formats coming up soon:

A full day intensive wild food and medicine exploration into the food, medicine and magic of Fly Agaric with myself and Fergus Drennan and Michael White both in Ireland and the UK.

And my Fly Agaric workshop based in Wicklow, Ireland. There are a few dates of both options coming up, but places fill up fast!

Please note: of course we don’t offer shamanic experiences of this mushroom. We do dispel the myths and fears and share many stories, mythologies, facts from fiction, art, food and medicine.

Don’t miss out if you’re interested. Booking links are here: https://hipsandhawswildcrafts.clr.events/


flyagaric #amanitamuscaria #mushroom #fungi #herbalmedicine #hipsandhaws #courtneytyler #ireland #wicklow #wildfood #herbalmedicine

Say why you do what you do

I found this exercise in an old notebook. I did an excellent business course though the LEO (Local Enterprise Board) last year.

The exercise was this: β€œwrite your elevator pitch in 25 words or less, and say it in terms of what the other person receives from your offering or product or service.”

This is what I wrote:

β€œI am passionate sharing how nature nourishes, connects and grounds me. To offer an experience that ignites others’ curiosity for the wild with food and medicine.”

26 words:) I did alright I think! This is a true reflection of what is alive inside me and what makes me purr with contentment and follows my passions and skills.

Books you should have: Radical Mycology by Peter McCoy

It took me awhile to get my hands on this book. First of all it was expensive and then after that, it was even harder to find online! I’m in Europe and it just seemed unusually difficult to get a hold of.

I bit the bullet and after many hours found a valid link and invested in this book. When it arrived I squealed in delight. It’s a substantial tome and well worth the cost. Chock full of all the ways of “Seeing and Working with Fungi” it is a reference that you should not be without!

I haven’t read the book cover to cover; it’s a big book and very easy to dip in and out of chapters that most interest you.

Imagine my delight when Peter himself messaged me on Instagram to invite me to propose some workshop ideas for the Radical Mycology Convergence in Portland, Oregon in October 2022. And my absolute delight when these were accepted and I was being flown to Oregon to participate!

Anyhow, back to the book. The publishers are offering a short window for a discount on this incredible book. Here’s the link to buy the book. The shipping prices to Europe are still cringe-worthy, but I was comforted that the book is absolutely massive and very heavy. I bought it as a birthday present to myself (which we should all do more of:)

Very honoured to participate this this years RADICAL MYCOLOGY CONVERGENCE in Portland, Oregon, USA October 2023

Radical Mycology Convergence Oct 2023 Courtney Tyler – view my bio here: https://radicalmycologyconvergence.com/pages/teacher-bios

I am excited to announce I will be presenting this October at the Radical Mycology Convergence (@radmycology).

I will be offering 2 workshops: Medicinal Mushroom Extracts and Mushroom Coffee.

I’m also extremely honoured to be on the Medicinal Mushroom Panel and at this event with teachers I so respect and have learned so much from such as @radmycology Peter McCoy, @christopherhobbs1 , Robert Rogers, Kevin Feeney, William Rubel, @amanitadreaming and so many others!

You can learn more about this special event at radicalmycologyconvergence.com#radicalmycology#rmc2022


You can view the full schedule of workshops here: https://radicalmycologyconvergence.com/pages/workshops

Thank you Peter for this opportunity of a lifetime. I couldn’t dream up a better mushroom festival offering than this! I am very honoured to take part! And excitedly checking the schedule for all of the workshops that I also hope to attend!


I’ll be there! Radical Mycology Convergence 6-9 October 2022 Portland Oregon

Beyond thrilled to have been invited to participate in this incredible dream festival by Peter McCoy of Radical Mycology.

You know this book right? In my experience it can be difficult to get your hands on, but its well worth the effort!

I’ll be offering a workshop or two and might even be on the medicinal mushroom panel!

Such an honour and also how excited am I to take part in the other offerings and learn from everyone there.


How beautiful is this years sticker design? By Taye and here’s their Instagram:

Medicinal Mushroom Intensive Workshop Saturday 26 November 2022

I am so happy to report that we will be offering another full day intensive workshop where we will explore medicinal mushrooms in depth. We will make medicine together to bring home with you.

Saturday 26 November 2022 from 1100-1630. Click here to book your place.


Join us in this intensive medicinal mushroom full day workshop for a fascinating exploration into the diverse and mysterious world of fungi! Together we will explore the many ways that you can incorporate mushrooms into your life as various medicinal preparations and as delicious food. 

We will: -Study and learn about 10 species of medicinal mushrooms, half of which grow wild in abundance around us in Ireland/ UK. Some samples will be on hand to see/ touch/ smell and taste. We will learn about their health benefits and immuno-modulating properties, including links and references to scientific studies. 

 –Learn how to identify them, their habitat, their physical properties. We will learn about how to safely dry or preserve mushrooms to keep their properties intact, or indeed how to enhance or harness their properties, such as providing us with a bio-available form of Vitamin D and other minerals, vitamins and antioxidants.  

Medicinal Mushroom preparation– We will discuss and demo how to make an aqueous extract, alcohol extract, alcohol-free glycerin extract and the benefits of these vs how and when to combine these for a dual or full-spectrum mushroom extract. We will learn how to create water extracted mushroom powders. We will discuss when there may be contraindications for use.

-Learn how and why mushrooms offer powerful nutrition and learn some delicious recipes and easy ways to bring mushrooms into your diet and wellness routine. Special preparation consideration for enhancing nutritive value and to safely use and consume wild fungi. We will discuss some different cooking methods and a variety of food preparations including: drinks, desserts, mushroom jerky, gomasio/ food condiments, pickles, etc.  

How and where to source medicinal mushrooms: which mushrooms are possible to forage from the wild and which fungi are easier to cultivate and some resources about how to do this. We will share some reputable sources and how to choose good quality mushroom products. We will learn about how to distinguish from a fruiting body and mycelium and their respective medicinal properties.   

You will be provided with a recommended reading list and extensive notes and you will go home with a medicinal mushroom preparation made together on the day. 

Medicinal mushrooms drinks, tasters and a healthy lunch will be provided on the day.   

There will be some dried mushrooms and dual-extract tinctures available on the day to purchase, should you like to. 


What: Medicinal Mushrooms Workshop with Courtney Tyler

FYI: This course was created as a collaboration between Courtney Tyler and Michael White but this workshop will be run by Courtney only this time. Find Michael at: Rural Courses to follow his other offerings. Hopefully we will release more events dates soon with Michael in Ireland, such as hedgerow wines, home brews, charcuterie, etc!

Where: Co Wicklow- the location will be disclosed closer to the date. You may need a car to travel, but we can arrange collection from a nearby train or bus if needed. 

When: Saturday 26 November 2022  Time: 1100-1630

How Much: β‚¬155 (Early Bird) / €175 (Full Price)(Early bird tickets are available until the 5 September 2022 and are full price of €175 after that date.  


We will be in touch with you before the event takes place to share the location with those that have booked their place. 


St Johns Wort How to capture the sunshine in a bottle

St John’s Wort

Capturing the essence of sunshine and peak summer for the winter months when it’s needed.

Just enjoyed capturing the oil maceration as I left the blooms out to wilt slightly, to decrease a portion of the moisture before adding extra virgin olive oil to cover.

I’ll wrap this glass jar in a brown paper bag then leave in the warm sunshine to infuse into the oil over the next week or two. These yellow flowers exude a surprising deep red oil, I liken to β€˜dragon’s blood’ I’ll share a photo of the finished product in a later post.

I also made an alcoholic tincture by covering the fresh blooms in vodka to sit for a month, which I will shake regularly until ready to strain off to use in the winter months, to help combat seasonal affective disorder and the winter blues.

Photos show a St John’s Wort tincture and a St John’s Wort infused oil to use medicinally.

**Please note that this herb should not be taken alongside pharmaceuticals without professional guidance.

St John’s Wort tincture will let this sit for about 4 weeks shaking regularly.

Nature Altar at Body and Soul Music Festival

I was invited to create and display a nature altar at this years Body and Soul festival.

It was an honour and a pleasure and I would like to do more of such things.

Michael and I created a simple display that was held in the John Hopkins geodesic dome in the Sanctuary. There were many offerings in there over the weekend, including yoga and some meditative sessions with psychedelic music, so the altar we created was perfect for the space.

We joined some hazel rods to make a tripod and attached a cut willow stand to the top of it. We affixed a collection of peacock feathers and dried poppy heads to the ends of the willow, so it reached high up into the skies, about 12 feet high.

We had a collection of my animal skulls, and found dried fungus, feathers, antlers, leaves, flowers, shells and pinecones to adorn the altar.

With the dome background (and the yoga mats in situ) it was difficult to get a clear shot of the piece, but you get the idea, and I’ve shared some of the components here as I enjoyed both the colour and textures of these natural items.

Please contact me if you would like to commission me to create something like this for your space or event.

Thank you to Avril, Jessie and Nicola for giving me this opportunity!

Radical Mycology Convergence October 2022 Oregon

Have been asked if I would like to apply to offer any workshops at the Radical Mycology Convergence in Oregon from 6-9 October 2022.

I am filling out my proposal now as we speak. Very honoured to be invited and eeeek, feeling thrilled at the prospect of attending such an event!

Radical Mycology @radmycology and the work of Peter McCoy is one of the most inspiring and comprehensive books I have come across.

More information at the event website here: https://radicalmycologyconvergence.com