Fermentation Workshops

I run regular food fermentation workshops, throughout the year. Hire me to do a demonstration at your event or a private demo in your home.

These workshops can run from a minimum of 2 hours up to a half day or weekend retreat.

We can demonstrate live ferments such as: sauerkraut, kimchi, kefir, ginger ale, or root beer, probiotic sodas, kombucha, lacto-fermented veggies, pickles, beet kvass, koji, miso etc.

Dependant upon space and a commitment of participation these fermentation workshops can be a live demonstration or also be a group hands-on experience where all get to get their ‘hands dirty’ and bring home their own fermented product.

Currently I have no upcoming fermentation events- except for as a part of my Wild Food events, but do get in touch if you would like to commission me for a private event- minimum of 6 participants.