Eatweeds Podcast with Robin Harford, myself and Fergus Drennan about the Fantastical Fly Agaric as Food and Medicine

Was very honoured to take part in this conversation. Sorry that I had serious trouble with my sound quality which I lament really detracts from the listening experience. Here we discuss Fergus Drennan and my famed Fly Agaric event, we talk about the food and medicine of the Fly Agaric mushroom and in particular many people contact me about having listened to the segment where we discuss using the alcoholic extract as an external remedy for pain relief and in particular against sciatica pain.

Medicinal Mushroom Workshop with Courtney Tyler and Michael White- Co. Wicklow, Ireland May 2022


Join us in this medicinal mushroom full day workshop for a fascinating exploration into the diverse and mysterious world of fungi! Together we will explore the many ways that you can incorporate mushrooms into your life as various medicinal preparations and as delicious food. 

We will: 

-Study and learn about 10 species of medicinal mushrooms, half of which grow wild in abundance around us in Ireland/ UK. Some samples will be on hand to see/ touch/ smell and taste.

-We will learn about their health benefits and immuno-modulating properties, including links and references to scientific studies.  

Learn how to identify them, their habitat, their physical properties. We will learn about how to safely dry or preserve mushrooms to keep their properties intact, or indeed how to enhance or harness their properties, such as providing us with a bio-available form of Vitamin D and other minerals, vitamins and antioxidants.  

Medicinal Mushroom preparation– We will discuss and demo how to make an aqueous extract, alcohol extract, alcohol-free glycerin extract and the benefits of these vs how and when to combine these for a dual or full-spectrum mushroom extract. We will discuss when there may be contraindications for use.

-Learn how and why mushrooms offer powerful nutrition and learn some delicious recipes and easy ways to bring mushrooms into your diet and wellness routine. Special preparation consideration for enhancing nutritive value and to safely use and consume wild fungi. We will discuss some different cooking methods and a variety of food preparations including: drinks, desserts, mushroom jerky, gomasio/ food condiments, pickles, mushroom fermentation, etc.  

How and where to source medicinal mushrooms: which mushrooms are possible to forage from the wild and which fungi are easier to cultivate and some resources about how to do this. We will share some reputable sources and how to choose good quality mushroom products. We will learn about how to distinguish from a fruiting body and mycelium and their respective medicinal properties.   

You will be provided with a recommended reading list and extensive notes and you will go home with a medicinal mushroom preparation made together on the day. 

Medicinal mushrooms drinks, tasters and a healthy lunch will be provided on the day.   

There will be some dried mushrooms and dual-extract tinctures available on the day to purchase, should you like to.


What: Medicinal Mushrooms Workshop with Courtney Tyler and Michael White

Where: Co Wicklow- the location will be disclosed closer to the date. You may need a car to travel, but we can arrange collection from a nearby train or bus if needed. 

When: 2 dates are available: (this workshop will run throughout the year on various dates) 

Saturday 7th May Time: 1030-1600


Sunday 8 May Time: 0930-1500


How Much: 

€155 Early Bird/ €175 Full Price

Early bird tickets are available until the 25th March and are full price of €175 after that date.

Click here to book your place:


Bookings for all of my events will close 2 weeks before the event takes place. In this case, the event will close to all new bookings on 22 April 2022. We will be in touch with you before the event takes place to share the location with those that have booked their place.


FAQ’s /Terms and Conditions:

All ticket sales are final, we do not offer refunds or rescheduling. 

This is in order to care for our energy in organising and running events as well as due to the fact that otherwise this place could have been offered to someone else.
**COVID precautions in relation to ticket sales: all ticket sales are final according to the policy above. However if you are exposed to Covid or in quarantine, you may choose to gift your ticket to someone else in your place. 
If we have to change the date of an event due to severe weather warnings or government guidelines, or for any other reason- we will issue you with a voucher which can be used on a future workshop.

Fly Agaric and Friends: Explorations in medicine, food, and magic with Fergus the Forager and Courtney of Hips & Haws Wildcrafts, and guest mushrooms (Kent, UK)

A foray coming up in Kent, UK with, interestingly, an emphasis on Amanita muscaria. β€œSo you think you’re changed, do you?” said the Caterpillar.β€œI’m afraid I am, sir,” said Alice; β€œI can’t remember things as I usedβ€”and I don’t keep the same size for ten minutes together!” 

What: Fly Agaric and Friends: Explorations in medicine, food, and magic with Fergus the Forager and Courtney of Hips & Haws Wildcrafts, and guest mushrooms

Where: Kent UK and a local native woodland with diverse flora, fauna and fungi 

When: Saturday 29 October 2022 10am until 9pm (11 hour day) 

There is a fantastic array of wild food and fungi in October, prime mushroom season! We will enjoy a long ramble in a beautiful woodland in Kent interspersed with wild local seasonal food to drink and eat and a forage for wild mushrooms including Fly Agaric.

We will learn about the allure of the iconic Fly Agaric mushroom and how to safely use it as medicine and as food. There will be demonstrations including lacto-fermentation of mushrooms.  We will also learn about any other wild fungi that we come across. 

We will provide lunch and an elaborate three course wild food dinner with some exciting ingredients for the meal, as of course Fergus is incredible talented and experienced as a wild food experimentalist. He has over 30 years experience as a wild food forager, so your more advanced questions can be answered too.  

We will be starting and ending the day in a location later to be announced to ticket holders. You must dress appropriately for a day spent outdoors, hiking boots and rain gear could be helpful. Sorry for this event no young children or dogs. You must be physically fit for a day spent wandering the wilderness with hills and uneven ground. Please bring snacks and or food to share if you would like. And a foraging basket or knife (if you have one). 

How Much: β‚¬220 (Euro) Β£190 GBP (but payment is taken in euro) Early Bird/ €220 (Euro) Β£195 GBP Full Price/  Elaborate Wild food Lunch and 3 course dinner are included.  

To Book this event please click here:

We will be in touch with you before the event takes place to share further relevant details with those that have booked their place. 

Here is a link to a podcast with Robin Harford after our last event:Β 

Here’s another podcast with me speaking about this incredible mushroom with Manchan Magan on RTΓ‰ 

And a longer interview with Courtney on Welcome to Mushroom Hour:

Here are some reviews after last years event:Β Β 

“Wow, wow, wow!!! Hips & Haws Wildcraft events are a special opportunity to connect with beautiful people in an amazing space. I was fortunate enough to have the privilege to attend a Fly Agaric event hosted by Courtney and Fergus the Forager. From the moment I arrived I felt an instant inspiration and warm welcome. We foraged in the near by woods in fun filled explorations, while learning and connecting with the many species of fungi available. The preparation and dishes we were treated to after our journey in the woods was a unique blend of heart warming tastes and enjoyable community spirit set outdoors. For a revitalising experience amongst a vibrant loving group a Hips and Haws event is the place to be.”-Riain O’TΓ‘th 

“I was lucky enough to join Hips and Haws Wildcrafts on the amanita forage day yesterday. It exceeded all expectations I ever had. Right from the beginning the communication before the event was so helpful and made the whole day run smoothly as it ran like clockwork. I arrived and was warmly greeted and welcomed to the space along with the group. We spent the day covering so much foraging information but it felt so relaxed fun and full of adventure. I’ve attended a good few similar themed foraging events in Ireland at this point and this was possibly my favourite due to the amount of work and effort Courtney and Fergus put into the packed schedule. It was more than just an ID and forage day… it was so much more! We not only learned about identification/ foraging but then info how to cook/preserve in many different kinds of ways like: lacto-fermentation, sweet dishes, ice cream, rice balls, savoury dishes, dumplings, pasta sauce, soup and more.After learning all that we had a big feast in all the mushroom themed foods.I cannot wait for the next course it was truly out of this world! Thank you for the most incredible day. -Ashleigh Connors  

FAQ’s /Terms and Conditions:

All ticket sales are final, we do not offer refunds or rescheduling. 

This is in order to care for our energy in organising and running events as well as due to the fact that otherwise this place could have been offered to someone else.
**COVID precautions in relation to ticket sales: all ticket sales are final according to the policy above. However if you are exposed to Covid or in quarantine, you may choose to gift your ticket to someone else in your place. 
If we have to change the date of an event due to severe weather warnings or government guidelines, or for any other reason- we will issue you with a voucher which can be used on a future workshop.

Fly Agaric and Friends: Explorations in medicine, food, and magic with Fergus the Forager and Courtney of Hips & Haws Wildcrafts, and guest mushrooms (IRELAND)

A foray coming up in the Wicklow mountains with, interestingly, an emphasis on Amanita muscaria.β€œSo you think you’re changed, do you?” said the Caterpillar.β€œI’m afraid I am, sir,” said Alice; β€œI can’t remember things as I usedβ€”and I don’t keep the same size for ten minutes together!”

Where: Co Wicklow, Ireland 

When: Thursday 29 September 2022 10am until 9pm (11 hour day) 

Book this date here:

AND/ OR Sunday 31 September 2022 10am until 9pm (11 hour day)

Book this date here:

There is a fantastic array of wild food and fungi in Co Wicklow. We will enjoy a long ramble in a beautiful woodland in the Wicklow Mountains interspersed with wild local seasonal food to drink and eat and a forage for wild mushrooms including Fly Agaric.

We will learn about the allure of the iconic Fly Agaric mushroom and how to safely use it as medicine and as food. There will be demonstrations including lacto-fermentation of mushrooms.  We will also learn about any other wild fungi that we come across. 

We will provide lunch and an elaborate three course wild food dinner with some exciting ingredients for the meal, as of course Fergus is incredible talented and experienced as a wild food experimentalist. He has over 30 years experience as a wild food forager, so your more advanced questions can be answered too.  

We will be starting and ending the day in a location later to be announced to ticket holders but we may be car-pooling or driving to a nearby local woodland for some of the day.  You must dress appropriately for a day spent outdoors, hiking boots and rain gear could be helpful. Sorry for this event no young children or dogs. You must be physically fit for a day spent wandering the wilderness with hills and uneven ground. Please bring snacks and or food to share if you would like. And a foraging basket or knife (if you have one). 

How Much: β‚¬220 Early Bird/ €245 Full Price/  Elaborate Wild Food Lunch and 3 course dinner are included.  

Bookings for all of our events will close 6 weeks before the event takes place. In this case, the event will close to all new bookings on the 18 August 2022. We will be in touch with you before the event takes place to share further relevant details with those that have booked their place. 

Here is a link to a podcast with Robin Harford after our last event: 

Here’s another podcast with me speaking about this incredible mushroom with Manchan Magan on RTΓ‰ 

And a longer interview with Courtney on Welcome to Mushroom Hour: 

Here are some reviews after last years event:  

“Wow, wow, wow!!! Hips & Haws Wildcraft events are a special opportunity to connect with beautiful people in an amazing space. I was fortunate enough to have the privilege to attend a Fly Agaric event hosted by Courtney and Fergus the Forager. From the moment I arrived I felt an instant inspiration and warm welcome. We foraged in the near by woods in fun filled explorations, while learning and connecting with the many species of fungi available. The preparation and dishes we were treated to after our journey in the woods was a unique blend of heart warming tastes and enjoyable community spirit set outdoors. For a revitalising experience amongst a vibrant loving group a Hips and Haws event is the place to be.”-Riain O’TΓ‘th 

“I was lucky enough to join Hips and Haws Wildcrafts on the amanita forage day yesterday. It exceeded all expectations I ever had. Right from the beginning the communication before the event was so helpful and made the whole day run smoothly as it ran like clockwork. I arrived and was warmly greeted and welcomed to the space along with the group. We spent the day covering so much foraging information but it felt so relaxed fun and full of adventure. I’ve attended a good few similar themed foraging events in Ireland at this point and this was possibly my favourite due to the amount of work and effort Courtney and Fergus put into the packed schedule. It was more than just an ID and forage day… it was so much more! We not only learned about identification/ foraging but then info how to cook/preserve in many different kinds of ways like: lacto-fermentation, sweet dishes, ice cream, rice balls, savoury dishes, dumplings, pasta sauce, soup and more. After learning all that we had a big feast in all the mushroom themed foods.I cannot wait for the next course it was truly out of this world! Thank you for the most incredible day.” -Ashleigh Connors  

FAQ’s /Terms and Conditions:

All ticket sales are final, we do not offer refunds or rescheduling. 

This is in order to care for our energy in organising and running events as well as due to the fact that otherwise this place could have been offered to someone else.
**COVID precautions in relation to ticket sales: all ticket sales are final according to the policy above. However if you are exposed to Covid or in quarantine, you may choose to gift your ticket to someone else in your place. 
If we have to change the date of an event due to severe weather warnings or government guidelines, or for any other reason- we will issue you with a voucher which can be used on a future workshop.

Two Day Intensive Mushroom Cultivation Weekend with Matthew Rooney

Where: Co Wicklow (exact location will be shared closer the time). 

When: Saturday and Sunday 30 April and 1st May 2022

Time: 10am to 4pm each day.  

How Much: €220 Early Bird/ €250 Full Price/Β Β 

Lunch and drinks are included. 

To Book your place:

We are lucky to have enticed Matthew to return to Ireland for a Mushroom Cultivation weekend. Matthew is an expert forager, cultivator and is aΒ Member of the British MycologicalΒ Society and a fellow Member of the Association of Foragers.

MatthewΒ has been a mushroom grower for over 20 years. He runs the first certifiedΒ biodynamic mushroom farmΒ in the world.Β He specialises in cultivating native mushrooms which are foraged from the wild and brought into cultivation. Growing both edible and medicinal mushrooms, he even has his own variety of Reishi named after him. He is expert in all aspects of mushroom growing from collecting wild specimens through propagation and growing to harvest and selling.Β 

Two day intensive course in all aspects of high-value gourmet mushroom cultivation and growing.Β This course covers growing common edible mushrooms as well as the cultivation of wild species.Β 

Limited to 15 places only. Price includes lunch, refreshments, instruction handouts and your own inoculated log/kit with spawn to take away.

Workshop runs from 1000-1600 both days.Β 

Day 1 –

Introduction to growing
Mushroom log inoculation
Pasteurising substrate
Sterilising substrate
Spore slurry
Making spawn

Day 2 –Β 
Spawning substrate
Making growing blocks
Outdoor growing beds
Growing conditions
Harvesting methods
Mushroom cloning
Clean rooms

Topics include:Β 

Preparation: clean rooms, sterlisation, pasteurisation, fermentation, equipment, materials and substrates.Β Β 

Propagation: Aseptic cuttings, making spawn, mycelium and spore slurries, other techniques and practices.Β Β 

Culturing: Environmental controls, growing rooms, harvest rooms, outdoor beds, logs.Β Β 

Each participant will go home with a (pet) mushroom log, compost block and detailed mushroom growing booklet written by Matthew.Β Β 

PLEASE bring a cordless drill if you have one or can borrow one with 8mm drill bits.Β Β 

Early bird pricing is available until 18 March and then will be full price of €250 after that date.Β Β Β 

Bookings for all of our events will close 2 weeks before the event takes place. In this case, the event will close to all new bookings on the 15th April 2022 

We will be in touch with you before the event takes place to share further relevant details with those that have booked their place. 

FAQ’s /Terms and Conditions:

All ticket sales are final, we do not offer refunds or rescheduling. 

This is in order to care for our energy in organising and running events as well as due to the fact that otherwise this place could have been offered to someone else.
**COVID precautions in relation to ticket sales: all ticket sales are final according to the policy above. However if you are exposed to Covid or in quarantine, you may choose to gift your ticket to someone else in your place. 
If we have to change the date of an event due to severe weather warnings or government guidelines, or for any other reason- we will issue you with a voucher which can be used on a future workshop.

Foraging and Wildcrafting Series: Wild Garlic and Edible Spring Greens 26/27 March 2022 with Courtney and Michael White of Rural Courses


If you’re interested in sustainability, foraging, local wild food, herbal medicine, fermentation and food preservation processes- we will offer you a full day educational experience in a beautiful outdoor rural location. 

The group will split into two and half will go with Michael from Rural Courses for an in-depth exploration of wild greens, safe foraging practices, and a dive into the wealth of edible tasty wild greens, salad greens, shoots and sap options in March.

We will forage for an array of fantastic seasonal greens, salad leaves and edible shoots. The local wild superfoods: NettlesCleavers, Dandelion, Garlic Mustard, Alexanders, Wild Garlic, Common Hogweed among many others. We will also learn about any dangerous look-alikes and things to avoid.  

Of course we never stop looking for edible or medicinal fungi and we might come across these if we are lucky: Turkey Tail, Birch Polypore, Oyster, Velvet Shank, Artist Conk, Jelly ear.   

You’ll swap over and have a wildcrafting and preservation demo with Courtney of food preservation methods including fermentation, vinegars, oxymels, dehydration, salts, honey and alcohol etc. We will learn and sample methods to help preserve the harvest in ways to enjoy throughout the year. 

There will be plenty of wild food tasters, a light lunch and drinks to sample and share together on the day.


What: the Foraging and Wildcrafting Series: Wild Garlic and Edible Spring Greens

Where: Co Wicklow- the location will be disclosed closer to the date. You may need a car to travel, but we can arrange collection from a nearby train or bus if needed. 

When:Β 2 dates are available:Β 

Saturday 26 March.Β Time: 1030-1630Β 


Sunday 27 March Time: 930-1530


How Much: β‚¬110 Early Bird/ €135 Full Price

Early bird tickets are available until the 9th February and are full price of €135 after that date. 

To book your place- click here:


You must dress appropriately for a day spent outdoors, hiking boots are helpful. Sorry for this event no young children or dogs. You must be physically fit for a day spent wandering the wilderness with hills and uneven ground.  Bookings for all of my events will close 2 weeks before the event takes place. In this case, the event will close to all new bookings on 12 March 2022. We will be in touch with you before the event takes place to share the location with those that have booked their place


FAQ’s /Terms and Conditions:

All ticket sales are final, we do not offer refunds or rescheduling. 

This is in order to care for our energy in organising and running events as well as due to the fact that otherwise this place could have been offered to someone else.
**COVID precautions in relation to ticket sales: all ticket sales are final according to the policy above. However if you are exposed to Covid or in quarantine, you may choose to gift your ticket to someone else in your place. 
If we have to change the date of an event due to severe weather warnings or government guidelines, or for any other reason- we will issue you with a voucher which can be used on a future workshop.


You can book your place for this event here:

or should you prefer to gift this experience to a loved one, you can buy a voucher here:

13th November 2021 – Foraging Series: Wicklow Wild Mushroom Forage and Wild Food Tasters with special guest forager

We will forage for and learn about edible, toxic and medicinal fungi. We will enjoy some grounding time in nature and some cooked edible mushroom tasters at the end of the session.

I invite you for a day spent in the Wild Wicklow hills and woodlands to forage for mushrooms and wild food with me. We will find a selection of edible species that we will cook up and taste together at the end of the day. We will learn how to identify and look out for toxic mushroom species and also discuss the medicinal qualities of mushrooms.
This event will run from 1000-1430 on Saturday 13 November 2021. We will be joined by a special guest UK forager. Michael is a very qualified wild food forager with many years of experience and has so much to offer in sharing his skills and wisdom.
There is a fantastic array of wild fungi in Co Wicklow. I am so excited to share what I have learned with you.
You must dress appropriately for a day spent outdoors, hiking boots are helpful. You must be physically fit for a day spent wandering the wilderness with hills and uneven ground (although we may not . Please bring a packed lunch and snacks. And a foraging basket (if you have one).
How much: €75 Early bird/ €90 Full Price
Early bird tickets are €75 per person early bird until the 2nd October and after that will be full price at €90 per person. Wild food tasters and my medicinal mushroom drink are provided on this walk.
Bookings for all of my events will close 2 weeks before the event takes place. In this case, the event will close to all new bookings on the 30th October 2021.
I will be in touch with you before the event takes place to share the location with those that have booked their place.
Ps I am holding a Fly Agaric in the photo, hopefully we find one but we will not be eating it, just so you know! This mushroom is particularly rich in folklore and history.
I also offer shorter events in mushroom foraging from €30 for a shorter intensive 2 hour session if this might interest you more, please see my other events.
About me: I am Courtney Tyler. I live in County Wicklow, happiest surrounded by trees and observing the changing seasons. I am a keen forager and spend much time wandering the hedgerows and forests for wild local food to preserve as food or medicine or to add to my fermented food and drinks.
I am a proud member of The Association of Foragers. I am not a mushroom expert nor a mycologist. However I have safely foraged for and consumed about 75 wild mushrooms as food or medicine. I can identify many toxic or deadly fungi and show you what to be careful of. I have processed wild plants and fungi into herbal tinctures, teas and salves. I am passionate about the learning process and am able to clearly communicate what i know and the passion I feel for the hard won knowledge and experience that I have acquired.
I tend to dive head-long into the things that interest me and I am largely self-taught, however I also have had many teachers and many who inspire me greatly. It is not unusual for me to fall asleep each night with a mushroom book in hand. (Don’t ask me how many mushroom books I have!!)
I have just completed some training provided by Wicklow Partnership and Leader funding for a Forest Bathing Certification and plan to share some of this practice on my some of my walks as a stand alone practice or also to compliment some of the the wild food and foraging walks.
You can follow me on:
Here’s a podcast with me speaking about the Fly Agaric mushroom with Manchan Magan on RTE

Bookings for this event will close at 00:00 on 31 Oct 2021